
Serdecznie dziękujemy za pomoc w rozwijaniu projektu Total Commander Ultima Prime. Swoimi darowiznami, dajecie nam wiatr w skrzydła!

We sincerely thank you for helping us develop the Total Commander Ultima Prime project. With your donations, you give us the wind in our wings!

Payment services specified in Regulations of the Service Are supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority under the status of a Small Payment Institution (registration number: MIP196/2023).
© 2025, Coffee Media Sp. z o.o.


Serdecznie dziękujemy za pomoc w rozwijaniu projektu Total Commander Ultima Prime. Swoimi darowiznami, dajecie nam wiatr w skrzydła!

We sincerely thank you for helping us develop the Total Commander Ultima Prime project. With your donations, you give us the wind in our wings!

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Payment services specified in Regulations of the Service Are supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority under the status of a Small Payment Institution (registration number: MIP196/2023).
© 2025, Coffee Media Sp. z o.o.